We have had a lot of new horses at the Sanctuary.  I guess times are hard, and humans are what they are.  One came in a recently named Raffie.  This guy is amazing.  He is starving – I mean a sack of bones.  He still has some of his winter hair – from last winter!  His tail is broken – he can’t swish away the flies.  I can’t even tell what kind of horse he is – he is so thin.  Hoover was starving when we came here too, but this poor guy is even worse.

The amazing thing about Raffie is his attitude.  Not only does he seem fine with humans – he has an amazing energy and attitude.  On his first day here, he came out to the fields with us.  He even approached me – I am at least 4 times his size and quite intimidating.  I am Thor!  I chased him a little just to be sure he understood my status, but I have to tell you I admire that bony little guy.  He went farther in the pasture his first day than I ventured out during my first six months.

I wanted to watch him a little longer and see how things go, thinking he may need a little help with some of the friskier guys.  But this week he has not been in the pasture.  That is usually a bad sign – like with Magic – that there is some problem that means they cannot eat green grass.  I hope Raffie comes back – I think he is awesome.

Sheesh, why do I always like the horses that have problems?  First my old and best friend forever Hoover.  Then there is Magic, whose poor feet are keeping him out of the main pasture now.  (It could be worse for him – Magic is with the mares!)   Then I was so taken with Lady.  Now Raffie.  I know I am big and scary looking – and I love that – but I always seem to find heartache….

I am Thor and I am an Equamore horse.