November 29, 2012

One year ago today Hoover and I came to the Sanctuary.  I normally don’t think much about dates and just live day to day.  Some days are great, some not so much.  But one year ago today will stay in my mind forever.  That was the day the people came for us and took us to a safe place with food and shelter and cared for Hoover and where no one treated me badly.  I didn’t know then that Hoover was making sure I got to the Sanctuary; I was so afraid, but I finally followed him into the trailer.

Such so much has happened since that day.  The worst is of course that Hoover passed to another place and even with my new friends, and Magic so close, I still miss him.  I have tried to hear his gentle and wise voice even though I can’t see him.  I think he must be proud of his best friend now.

I am so much more confident now.  I know that if I decide to leave the Sanctuary, I can.  It’s that simple.  I can decide to scare people or not.  I can choose.  Knowing this makes it easier to calm down, and worry a little less.  For now, I choose to stay.  The most amazing thing is that for a whole year, people have been nice to me every single day.  No one has hurt me or tried to scare me, or treated me roughly.  I get great hay, plenty of carrots, a cozy stall with a run, and Magic next to me.

I am starting to trust people, or at least a couple of them.  Mostly, I think this is because of the boss.  She just keeps coming back no matter how I behave.  I even let her clean my sore feet this week, even it if was only one foot a day!  Hoover told me I could trust her, and I am starting to think he was right.  We will see how this goes!

Hoover used to tell me to relax, that I’ll grow up and things will be clearer.  Hoover, I am older now…

I am Thor and I am an Equamore Horse.